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Light is sown for the righteous

And salvation is near to come

Kimcha DePischa

Contribute to the distribution of thousands of food baskets to needy families in honor of Passover and win a new and special candle lighting facility that has never been seen before.

A model of the burial place of the tzaddik, to which you feel most connected spiritually, combined with the herbs of za’atar and rue, which guard against all evil.

Also, merit a special blessing from the Admor, Rav Yoshiyahu Yosef Pinto Shelita.

Light is sown for the righteous

Receive a model of the burial place of the tzaddik, to which you feel most connected spiritually, combined with the herbs of za’atar and rue, which guard against all evil.

Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai

Monthly installments of 280 shekels for 12 months

Baba Sali

Monthly installments of 220 shekels for 12 months

Rabbi Meir Ba’al HaNess

Monthly installments of 280 shekels for 12 months

Rabbi Nachman MiBreslov

Monthly installments of 220 shekels for 12 months

The Great Rabbi Chaim Pinto

Monthly installments of 220 shekels for 12 months

Ba’al Shem Tov

Monthly installments of 220 shekels for 12 months

Rabbi Yeshayah MiKerestir

Monthly installments of 220 shekels for 12 months

Kever Rachel

Monthly installments of 220 shekels for 12 months

Rabbi Amram Ben Diwan

Monthly installments of 220 shekels for 12 months

The Holy Or HaChaim

Monthly installments of 220 shekels for 12 months

Rabbi Itzchak Abuhatzera

Monthly installments of 220 shekels for 12 months

Light is sown for the righteous

Since the beginning of Jewish history, every Jew knew and believed that when facing trouble and difficulties, the surest way to merit Hashem’s salvation and turn the situation for the better is to forge a spiritual connection with the tzaddikim, who have the great power to change a person’s situation.

Our Sages said: “The tzaddik decrees and Hashem fulfills.”

In the forty years that the Jews were in the desert, every time they got into trouble, they turned to Moshe to pray for them. In the days of the prophets and the tannaim, every Jew who was threatened by some kind of trouble, turned to the tzaddikim to pray for him.

Our sages, and especially the sages of Kabbalah, revealed to us that the main way to awaken the merit of the tzaddikim who have passed away and bring the Heaven’s mercy, annul the evil decrees, bring salvation and blessings, is by lighting a candle for the elevation the soul of the tzaddik.

This is what the Jewish People do in all corners of the world. When Jewish men and women in Morocco needed salvation, they lit a candle for the elevation of the soul of Rabbi Meir Ba’al HaNess or Rabbi Chaim Pinto, and asked for their requests and were saved.

When Jewish men and women in Poland needed salvation, they lit a candle for the elevation of the soul of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai or the holy Ba’al Shem Tov and were saved.

Today, more than ever, due to war and the difficult economic situation

We are forced to arouse the merits of the tzaddikim in Heaven, which it’s said about them, “The tzaddikim are greater in their death than in their lifetime

To light a candle in their memory and to merit protection and safeguarding, security and success, livelihood, peace at home, and contentment from the children.

Shuva Israel Institutions - the heritage of the Rif,

under the leadership of the Admor Rabbi Yoshiyahu Yosef Pinto Shelita

offer you the special opportunity to participate

Participate in the “Kimcha DePischa” in honor of the upcoming Pesach holiday, like every year, our institution will distribute thousands of baskets filled with all the goods to families whose livelihoods have been severely affected following the recent war. You can also participate in additional acts of kindness, Torah dissemination, and public merit throughout the year, and receive directly to your home a beautiful and fantastic candle holder, never been seen before, in the model of the burial place of the tzaddik you feel most connected.

In addition to the candle holder, herbs of za’atar and rue will be given, known from the Holy Zohar and the kabbalists for their great power to stop all disputes, harm, and remove all witchcraft from the house where they are placed.

Example of the Kimcha DePischa campaign, 2023.

For details and inquiries, call +1 (347) 962-5196

Be partners in "Kamha Dapascha". In honor of the upcoming Passover holiday, as well as partners in other activities of chesed, Torah distribution and rak'im for the entire year

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